Saturday, September 29, 2007

Video: "Hemo is Dead" by Skahr

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Skahr announced he was working on it two weeks ago and "Hemo is Dead", his PvP video, is finally done!

Coming in at a whopping 24 minutes, the video highlights his PvP play in battlegrounds, duels, world PvP and 2v2 arena.

After watching this, I have a newfound respect for the Subtlety tree.

And I suggest you watch the full version if you have the bandwidth, which allows you more control over the video to pause, rewind and skip ahead. Alternately, you can watch it in-line below.

Continue reading 'Video: "Hemo is Dead" by Skahr'

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Possible Changes in 2.3

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Ok. I'm a bit slow on this. I was kinding hoping for some more so I wouldn't be incredibly redundant.

Stickied by Drysc in the Rogue Forums!

These are the announced changes we're planning in 2.3 for the Rogue class.
  • Blind is now a physical attack and the reagent requirement removed [link]
  • Fleet Footed changed to increase movement speed by 8/15% [link]
  • Shadowstep usable at any time, not only while stealthed. Threat caused by next Ambush, Garrote or Backstab is reduced by 50% and cooldown increased to 40 seconds [link]
  • Dirty Deeds specials cause 20% extra damage against targets that are below 35% health [link]
  • Deadly Throw missile speed increased significantly and snare duration increased slightly [link]
  • Ruthlessness only affects melee finish moves [link]
  • All poisons now last for one hour [link]

Honestly, I think these are token changes. None of them are going to help Rogues in PvE or arena, except maybe the change to Deadly Throw.

Now, if you use Shadow Step, I'll give you the gold to respec. You certainly don't need threat reduction on your abilities.

Nice buff for Dirty Deeds, but I still think the Subtlety tree is broken until it can either give Rogues a new essential role in raids or allows them to come close to the DPS of the other two trees.

The changes to Blind are nice, but making it a physical ranged attack will remove its ability to affect hostile arena opponents with Blessing of Protection or Paladins with Divine Shield.

Poison change is good, but really, let's just get rid of the entire poison creation system. It's slow and it's really just an unnecessary step.

Yeah, no picture for this one. =P

Continue reading 'Possible Changes in 2.3'

Monday, September 24, 2007

Blizzard Nerfs Wisp Spirit

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WowInsider reports today on new graveyards coming in Patch 2.2. What they fail to cover is the severe nerf to every Night Elf in the game!

Examine Wisp Spirit, the Night Elf racial ability that gives us the edge in PvE:

Wisp SpiritRacial Passive
Transform into a wisp upon death, increasing speed by 50%.

"Wait a second, Valenna!" you say, "You're overreacting! You get to run to your corpse from a closer spot as well." Well yes, but if they make closer graveyards, Wisp Spirit becomes less useful versus the other races. If the graveyards are 50% closer to where we die, Wisp Spirit becomes 50% less effective.

WTT Wisp Spirit for just about anything else!

Continue reading 'Blizzard Nerfs Wisp Spirit'

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Blue Watch: Rogue Recap

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Rogues got a little bit of the blue attention this week. However, all news isn't good news.

First, there's our Haste nerf. In the words of Drysc:

"Our baseline melee stat is Attack Power, it's the stat that we use as a benchmark in which we compare all other melee stats. Haste was at about a 1:1 in relation to AP at base levels, and it scales a whole lot better. So in large quantities haste was easily overcoming AP, and trouncing all other melee stats. While it's not bad for it to be a strong stat, we don't want it to become THE stat over AP. In fewer words it's a quintessential nerf: it was too good."

Next, we find out that Vanish isn't broken and Blizzard sees no reason to fix it.

Blizzard said they heard our complaints about the reagent dilemma surrounding Blind Powder. However, that's all they really said. o_0 I guess "I heard you" is better than "Vanish isn't broken and we aren't going to fix it," because — really — we've heard that one before.

Finally, some potentialy "good" news. It seems Blizzard is still evaluating whether to allow combo points to become independent of our targets. I remember a day back before Burning Crusade where you could use combo points on mobs after they had died and before you switched to another target. It was nice to convert these points into Slice and Dice (since it seemed rather silly to Eviscerate, Kidney Shot or Rupture a dead opponent). If a change occurs regarding keeping combo points, Rogues will be receiving a significant buff and it will definitely change the way I play.

So, while it seems none of this substantial, it does indicate that Blizzard is listening or at least wants us to think that they are. ~_^

Continue reading 'Blue Watch: Rogue Recap'

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dirty Tricks to Surviving

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Tons of people have rogue alts. And while I don't want you skeevy scum leveling up and taking my loot, I'll take a stab (stab - haha get it?) at giving a series of posts oriented at leveling a Rogue for those of you who aren't on Scarlet Crusade. (Note: Mrs. BBB, the newly-minted Rogue who was the inspiration for this piece, doesn't play on Scarlet Crusade.)

Playing a Rogue is all about one thing: Damage. We are one of the few non-hybrids in the game. In fact, we are one of the only classes that has only one role among the major three of Damage, Healing and Tanking.

So Rule #1 is ... survive. Er, what? Yeah, you can't really kill that mob and level if you're dead. In fact, later as you reach the levels where you group, you need to use as many of these tricks to survive as possible because your DPS is zero when you are dead. But right after Rule #1 — let's call it Rule #2 — is maximize your damage.

But back to surviving, the first thing you should do is plan your escape for when things go bad. Do this even before you begin your fight. You young rogues have it easy! Back in my day, we didn't have a Sap that allowed us to remain in stealth!

In Case of Emergency

Pick your fights carefully with the following dirty tricks in mind:

  • Level 1: Stealth
    K. This may seem obvious, but being stealthed means you are less likely to be attacked, which means you less likely to die or start a fight until you want it to. I used Stealth so much as I leveled, I found it difficult to remember to unstealth for buffs later in the game. But that was back when your own teammates couldn't target you if you were stealthed. That isn't really an issue anymore.
  • Level 6: Gouge and First Aid
    Sometimes when a fight is neck and neck, you'll want a dirty trick to give you the edge. Just a few more health is all it takes. And for after fights, First Aid should get you up and fighting faster than food. I'm unsure if these two abilities can be macroed together, but I'll find out and let you know.
  • Level 8: Evasion
    Evasion is best used when you are facing more than one mob. It's a good ability to save for when you get into trouble, especially since it's on a 5 minute cooldown. Adding 50% to your dodge rate makes you feel like a god for 15 seconds. Afterwards though, you're wormfood again, so make those 15 seconds count.
  • Level 10: Sap
    Why fight two mobs when you only have to fight one? And when gathering herbs or mining, you can use this to fight none! This ability takes one Humanoid (and only Humanoids) out of the fight for 25 seconds. It can be used over and over as long as those baddies are NOT in combat. This is our "crowd control" and while it doesn't compare to Polymorph, it does last a long time and cannot break early.
  • Level 10: Sprint
    Running faster by 50% isn't just for getting to that herb or mining rock faster. Combined with a Gouge or even Evasion, Sprint is excellent for running away when things go south. Just run until you've exited combat and stealth.
  • Level 12: Kick
    While essential for fighting casters of all types, it interrupts and cancels any action with a casting timer. This includes interrupting melee types who Whirlwind or have another channeled ability.
  • Level 16: Feint
    Feint lowers your aggro against a target. While not useful when soloing, you should hit this whenever its available while grouping. You'll be surprised at how much your survivability improves when you aren't tanking.
  • Level 22: Vanish
    Vanish instantly removes you from combat and puts you in stealth. It's awesome ... when it works. This is usually best used as a last ditch effort to stay alive.
  • Level 26: Cheap Shot
    This opener stuns your target for 4 seconds. One of the key parts of surviving as a rogue is avoiding damage as much as possible. If you can stun your target and prevent them from hurting you as you stab them, it's a lot easier to survive.
  • Level 30: Kidney Shot
    This finishing move stuns your target one second for each combo point you have on them. Like all your stuns, using this allows you to avoid incoming damage which helps you live longer.
  • Level 34: Blind
    Like a mini-Sap, Blind can take a target out of a fight for ten seconds. Blind is great to use when fighting multiple mobs or when you need a few seconds to bandage before finishing a single mob off. It's probably best to make a macro for this, however, as using Blind does not cause you to stop attacking like using Gouge.
  • Level 66: Cloak of Shadows
    This ability deserves its own post someday, but all I can say is that against targets using spell effects, your survivability goes up immensely as you can shake off any negative spell effects and prevent new ones for five seconds after using this ability.

Other Tips

  • Install Scrolling Combat Text
    SCT announces when you enter and leave combat, letting you know when you can stealth, eat food, etc.
  • Use Health Potions
    Get a lot of them and get the best ones you can. Don't use them unless you think you might die. Otherwise, just use food and bandages for healing after fights.
  • Eat Food
    Get a lot of it and get the best kind you can. You can't eat during combat, but regaining your health quickly after a fight will allow you to survive any surprises that may come your way. Look for food that grants Stamina, as more health means greater survivability. Stealth when you sit down to eat as this will allow you eat in peace!
  • Use Elixirs
    Whether you choose Alchemy or not, surviving in Azeroth will be easier with a stockpile of the following alchemical elixirs:
    • [Level 1-24] Elixir of Minor Fortitude (+27 health)
    • [Level 25-49] Elixir of Fortitude (+120 health)
    • [Level 50-70] Elixir of Major Fortitude (+250 health and restores 10 health every 5 seconds)

Limited to leather armor and forced to do our fighting up close and personal, a Rogue is most successful when leveraging not only her death-dealing abilities but those that limit our target's ability to fight back. By incorporating the twelve survivability skills listed above along with a fair share of consumables and a bit of caution, you should be able to level more quickly than many of your peers.

Continue reading 'Dirty Tricks to Surviving'

Friday, September 14, 2007

Haiku: Japanese for Hack You?

Parry! Dodge! Spin! has moved! This version of the blog is no longer being updated, but all posts and comments are over at the new location! Please go to for the new location!

Well, apparently Japanese poetry fever has caught on with the WoW community.

I figured I'd add some of my own:

Stab stab stab stab stab
Stab stab stab stab stab stab stab
Stab stab stab stab stab

Max DPS now
Garotte, Slice and Dice, SS
Til 5 Then Rupture

Maybe I'll think of
Some more later and post them
That's all for now. Bye!

Continue reading 'Haiku: Japanese for Hack You?'

So that's what we look like?

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WoWInsider posted this and while I only LOL'd a little, it did make me suddenly realize that this is how absurd the idea is of stealthing in plain sight.

I suppose he was neutral to all the class because it seemed pretty obvious to me they could see him and would have aggro'd if they were hostile. The one he attacked must have not been a friend since you can't attack friendly targets. ~_^

Continue reading 'So that's what we look like?'

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bad Players or Bad Game Designers?

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Over at WoW Insider, Amanda Rivera reported on a Spanish player, Cach, who allegedly was told by a GM to cease and desist from sneaking around in Mechanar and opening the lockboxes.

I found this to be highly unlikely as there was little evidence, or blue post, accompanying the forum post.

Now, I've never snuck into Mechanar to do this. Mostly because I feel its a waste of my time when I can do so many other things to get money AND reputation through dailies. Still, I have no issues with rogues that do this and I think it's highly ingenious.

However, for the sake of argument, I'll imagine it were true. If this is the case, Blizzard really has no argument with rogues that do so. We rogues aren't exploiting any other facet of the game other than bad level design. If rogues were say clipping through walls to unlock and retrieve the contents of a lockbox on the other side of the wall, that's an exploit. If you didn't want us to get to those lockboxes, place more mobs around them or a mob with Truesight as a sentinel against solo rogues.

I certainly don't want to see this:

Mechanar Chest
Classes: Rogue
Requires 5-Man Group
Use: Gain 1-2 random greens, maybe a potion and a few silver.

Continue reading 'Bad Players or Bad Game Designers?'

Vone! Two! Three Poisons ... Ah, Ah, Ah!

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I've been PvPing a lot more lately, specifically Arenas. Some 2v2 and 3v3 matches are all DPS, making Wound Poison superfluous. However with the following macro (and an item/weapon switcher like ItemRack), you can poison a third weapon, stored in your inventory, and tie it to your Shiv ability:

/itemrack equip poisonthree
/cast Shiv
/itemrack equip normalweapons

Stab 'em where it hurts ... their mana!

Source: Osiris’ Guide to Playing a Rogue v3.0.

Continue reading 'Vone! Two! Three Poisons ... Ah, Ah, Ah!'

Hemo and Why to Play It by Skahr

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Searching around the files of SI:7, I stumbled across Skahr's World. He had a very interesting post on Hemorrhage that goes into its pros and cons and includes some interesting Theorycrafting. From his post:

It seems to me that there are a lot of rogues out there that either do not know what hemo is or know very little about the spec and how it works.

Hemorrhage is an instant attack that does instant damage and causes the target to “Hemorrhage”, increasing all physical damage taken by up to 10. It will last 15 seconds or until the 30 charges are used. Because this is your main attack when specd for it, the debuff will always be on your target. Hemo is not normalized, meaning that the slower the weapon, the harder it will hit. Sinister Strike for example, is normalized to a speed of 2.4, meaning that no matter how slow your weapon is, it will not change the amount your SS hits for. Attack power also increases your damage with Hemorrhage by a great deal.

Read the rest on his blog! Skahr's World

Continue reading 'Hemo and Why to Play It by Skahr'